27 March 2008

How to: Manually lock a folder

Do you hated it when somebody take a peep into your personal folder that contain private pictures, confidential files and so in? You wanna lock your folder but you don't have enough money to the appropriate software? Or you afraid to use one of the the freeware that contain trojan? If the answer is yes, then you come at the right place. Ok, lets get this straight to tutorial

(Notes: This trick is only tested on Windows XP)

For example, you want to lock a folder named LOCKME in drive c, which has the path C:\LOCKME

1) create a text file, type
ren LOCKME LOCKME.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

2)Save the text file as a *.bat file (example:hide.bat)

3)create another text file and type
ren LOCKME.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} LOCKME

4)Save the text file as a *.bat file (example:lock.bat)Save the text file as a *.bat file (example:unhide.bat)

5)Congratulations! you just make yourself a little program :P

**ATTENTION: Save both of the files in the same drive or if will not work**

To lock you folder, all you need to do is double-click the hide.bat. And to access it, you just double-click the unlock.bat

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1 comment:

OIMS said...

Too cool! Haven't tried it, I such a clod when it comes to programming, but it looks easy enough :)

I'll bookmark you site and future reference (don't have anything on my computer that needs locking since everyone in this house knows if they even touch my computer they will lose arms! LOL!)